Security Policy Disclosure
Security Guarantee
Making a purchase at is 100% safe—we guarantee it. When we request personal information from you (such as name, address, phone number and credit card number), it is done on our secure servers. We use an industry standard technology known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to protect confidential information. SSL is an advanced encryption technology that makes personal information unreadable as it travels over the Internet.
We are so confident in our security that we guarantee you’ll pay nothing if unauthorized charges are made to your credit card because of shopping at Federal law limits your liability for unauthorized charges to your account. The Fair Credit Billing Act states that your credit card company (creditor) cannot hold you liable for more than $50 in the unlikely event a fraudulent charge occurs on your account. If you encounter a fraudulent credit card charge at, don’t worry, we’ll pay up to $50 of liability. No credit card risk—guaranteed!
Guarantee Details
In the unlikely event of a fraudulent use of your credit card at, you must notify your credit card company in accordance with their rules and procedures. If your creditor holds you responsible for any of the $50, let us know. will cover the full liability for you up to $50. only covers this liability if the unauthorized use of your card resulted through no fault of your own from purchases made at while using our secure servers.
We realize that customers are concerned about how information provided during online shopping will be used. We are committed to protecting your privacy and use the information we collect about you to process your order and provide a more personalized shopping experience.